Welcome to Beech Class 2024-2025!
Hello and welcome to Beech Class. This page will give you a little bit of information about the ladies in the room that will help you and show you some of the things we have and will be learning. Check back on this page regularly to see photographs of all the exciting things we will be doing.
Beech Class Team
Mrs Fenton and Miss Saul are your teachers. Mrs Fenton works in Beech Class Monday to Wednesday and Miss Saul is in Beech on a Thursday and a Friday. We work really closely together to ensure that you always get the best learning experiences.
We are very lucky in Beech Class to also have Miss Dakowicz, Mrs Davis and Miss Baxter help us throughout the week. We all work as a team to ensure that you have the best and most exciting learning experiences.
Spring Term
This term our I wonder statement is 'I wonder how the world is filled with colour'. We are going to be exploring colours during our Art and DT lessons. Check back for some pictures in the near future.
Please see below for Home Learning challenges and our Parent Forecast.
What an exciting start to our half term! Bennie and his special dog mentor Miss Jones came to visit. We helped Miss Jones to train him to do some tricks. He was so good at giving us his paw. We all remembered to be Bennie ready to make sure our classroom was safe for him. It was so exciting we can’t wait for him to come back.
Autumn Term
We have had a super busy Autumn term! We have settled in to Beech Class well and we have developed an excellent team spirit, using our Learning Animals to help us. We always striver to be 'Ready Robins' and try our best to be 'Resilient Reindeers' when we are learning. Well done Beech Class, we are so proud of you!
This term we have started our new Maths scheme. We have really enjoyed using the Numberblocks as part of our learning and we have made some fantastic models of them in Planning Time. The Year Ones have loved using the Rekenreks and have developed a great understanding of how to subitise (know the amount without couting) and how to use this knowledge when working out one more and one less.
In our Topic lessons we have been learning about Materials and recycling. We finished this topic by working really hard with the children in Ash Class to make our very own 'Michael Recycle'. We were definitely 'Resilient Reindeers' on these days as it was very difficult to get the recycling to stick. We also used our team work and communication skills to ensure that we listened to ideas and shared our own. Well done everyone, the models look excellent!
During Creative Curriculum we have focused on different stories. We have really enjoyed our work on Stickman and have made our very own family pictures and Stickmen. It was a fiddly job but we rose to the occasion. They all look so different and unique. They are amazing!
Autumn Term
We will be starting our time in Beech Class learning all about each other and how we can work together to be an awesome team! This will be a short topic and will help us to all settle in and get to know each other. During our transition time we thought about the things that you would like to see in our classroom, the Peppa Pig tray being the main one, and we have worked hard to include as many things as possible that you said. We have also worked hard to make sure that we have lots of exciting learning opportunities this term linked to our next topic which is I wonder how we can look after our world. We will be thinking all about the world around us, as well as, the classroom and our school environment and how we can work as a team to look after it. We will also be learning about some key people that have helped and inspired us to look after our world.
Below is the Parent Forecast and the Home Learning projects for this term.
Fun in the snow!!!!
Remarkable Readers
Reading at home is one of the most important ways in which you can help your child. Children who read with their families develop these skills much more quickly and develop a love of Reading that can last a lifetime. Being a confident reader supports children in all areas of the curriculum and beyond school.
Our new Reading recognition system, Remarkable Readers, aims to ensure that all our children are remarkable with their Reading throughout the year.
Each time a child reads they achieve a ‘Reading Point’
Reading Points are cumulative and will be added up weekly throughout the year.
35 points = Bronze Award (Certificate and a message home)
70 points = Brilliant Bronze Award (Certificate, message home and prize)
105 points = Silver Award (Certificate, message home and prize)
140 points = Super Silver Award (Certificate, message home and prize)
175 points = Gold Award (Certificate, message home from Mrs Clifford and book prize)
210 points = Glittering gold Award (Certificate, message home and an Afternoon Tea in The Reading Nook with our Reading Ambassadors)
Below are some documents that will help with reading at home.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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